All things

sexta-feira, dezembro 09, 2005

John Lennon, 25 anos

Deveria ter postado isto ontem mas não consegui juntar idéias suficientes.

Há 25 anos morria assassinado, um cara especial. John Lennon não foi somente mais um Beatle, alguns dizem que ele foi "o" Beatle mas pra mim, ele representa um cara que tentou seguir adiante com seus ideais sem se deixar influenciar pela sociedade hipócrita. É quem desafiou regras, costumes e foi somente uma coisa, ele mesmo!

Sobre os Beatles, Lennon disse uma vez: "Everyone can be a success. If you keep saying that enough times to yourself you can be. We're not better than anybody else. We're not as good as Beethoven. Everyone's the same inside."

Escolhi uma música que gosto muito..

Beautiful Boys

You're a beautiful boy,
With all your little toys,
Your eyes have seen the world,
Though your only four years old,
And your tears are streaming,
Even when your smiling,
Please never be afraid to cry,

You're a beautiful boy,
With all your little ploys,
Your mind has changed the world,
And your now forty years old,
You got all you can carry,
And still somehow empty,
Don't ever be afraid to fly,

All you beautiful boys,
Creating multiple plays,
You like to fence in your world,
And settle down when you're old,
You can run from pole to pole,
And never scratch your soul,
Don't be afraid to go to hell and back,
Don't be afraid to go to hell and back,
Don't be afraid to be afraid

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