All things

domingo, novembro 06, 2005

Gillian ganha mais um prêmio

Gillian Anderson ganhou um prêmio pelo seu trabalho no filme The Mighty Celt onde atuou junto com Robert Carlyle. No final do mês passado, nos bastidores da entrevista para o programa britânico Richard & Judy, Gillian recebeu o troféu concedido pela Irish Television and Film Awards.

Gillian disputou na categoria de melhor atriz juntamente com Natalie Portman (Garden State), Drew Barrymore (The Perfect Catch), Dakota Fanning (War of the Worlds).

Quem quiser assistir a entrega do mesmo basta ir no link abaixo e fazer o download do arquivo

E o discurso de agradecimento, muito delicado e gentil, se bem que não esperava menos sendo Gillian a pessoa que é...

"Hello! And, I just wanted to say thank you very very much for this award. Thank you especially to the Irish public who, um, apparently have voted for me um, after they heard me speak with an Irish accent - so, that's a very good thing. And thank you to everybody at the Irish Television Awards. And, thank you very much for this beautiful statue!
'Cos it's actually really classy looking and I can't wait to put it on the mantlepiece (she laughs) I need a bit of gold around! Um, I'm just really thrilled by this and I really appreciate it - it's nice to be included in something international. So have a good evening."

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